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What are you desperate to improve in your school?

Milgo helps school educational staff gain a deep understanding of their schools’ challenges, and offers effective targeted responses, easily and swiftly via WhatsApp

Quality questionnaires

Quality ready-to-use expertly designed questionnaires. Just choose the area you want to improve. Milgo will do the rest.

Research-based recommendations

Customized research-based pedagogical recommendations that are easy to implement for immediate improvement.

Accurate insights

Accurate real-time insights into the needs and challenges of students and teachers.

testimonial author
"Milgo is exactly what I had been missing. I believe in evidence-based action and not just acting on "feelings". I really connect to this aspect of Milgo.
Tahel Weiss Itzhaki
Teacher, Ort Greenberg High School, Tivon

What can Milgo help me spearhead?

Milgo provides a research-based pedagogical solution to a variety of educational challenges:
A sense of purpose in teaching
To what extent do the teachers feel purpose and meaning in their work?
Teacher relationships
In what ways can we foster stronger bonds between male and female teachers?
Principal-teacher relationships
What is the nature of the relationship between teachers and school management. How can we strengthen it?
Professional autonomy
How autonomous do teachers feel in their work?
well being
To what extend does the education team feel that [the school] is concerned for their wellbeing?
Learning Capablity
How can we reinforce students' self efficacy?
Team Work
What can we do to improve students' ability to collaborate?
Independent Learning Skills
How can we enhance students’ independent learning skills
How can we support students in coping better with change, stress, and crisis?
Decision Making
How can we improve students' decision-making skills?
Emotional Regulation
To what degree do students effectively manage their emotions?
Presentations and public speaking
How can we enhance students' public speaking and presentation abilities?
Social Network Conduct
How can we help students safeguard their own security on social networks?
Establishing optimal relationships
How will we strengthen the students' ability to manage optimal relationships
Forming a healthy self-identity
How can we help students get to know themselves better?
A sense of belonging
How can we boost student-to-student connections?
Sense of safety
How do we  create a safe and secure space in the classroom?
Meaning and relevance in learning
How can we create lessons that are relevant to students' lives?
Learning Engagement
How do we make students feel more engaged in their learning?
Choices within learning
Do students feel they have freedom and choice in the learning process?
Learning Capablity
How can we reinforce students' self efficacy?
Teacher student relationships
How can student-teacher relationships be bolstered?
Growth mindset
How can we help students to believe in their ability to learn?
The content library has been developed by the best organizations in Israel

Professional learning communities at the Mofet Institute: The Mofet Institute’s R&D professional communities work with the Ministry of Education to lead Israel's professional learning communities. R&D efforts focus on the development of relevant models and content for the communities, as well as research and pedagogical and strategic accompaniment for programs.

Reichman University - Purple Center: The center is the educational arm of the Sagol Center for Mind and Consciousness at the Baruch Ivcher School of Psychology, Reichman Universit . It is accompanied and managed by a multidisciplinary team of experts from the worlds of social emotional learning, mindfulness, observational pedagogy, brain research and leadership and organizational development.

Branco Weiss Institute: Education That Changes Society A network of schools based on Branco Weiss’ tradition of pedagogical innovation. Committed to bringing about social change through education, the Institute has been forging pedagogies of understanding, thinking and initiative in Israel for over three decades.

SEL.IL Center: The SEL.IL Center at the Baruch Ivcher School of Psychology at Reichman University promotes social-emotional learning through an interdisciplinary approach which combines research, development, training and implementation. SEL.IL is a long time partner of the Ministry of Education, local authorities and schools.

Milgo as an educational experience

"It's exciting to hear students share their feelings thanks to Milgo's questionnaires. Their answers left me speechless. It's moving to hear students use emotional expressions like: "I can see in the teacher's eyes how much she is really listening to me," or "I can ask the teacher for more attention when I am finding this difficult, without any shame." It encouraged and reinvigorated me while also making me realize that I have a lot still to work on."

Lilian Latin
Science teacher, Eroni Het Reshit High School, Tel Aviv

"The teachers really liked Milgo because of its simplicity – they find it easy to work with. They went back to their classes with a Milgo presentation and devoted an entire class to it. They were happy to share their work in the classroom with me."

Hagar Lufo
Teacher and Milgo coordinator, Branco Weiss Yitzchak Rabin High School, Mazkeret Batya

"Students opting to include their names voluntarily helped me change my teaching strategy completely..."

Idit Lahav
Aviv Elementary School, Tel Aviv

"I am so pleased that I decided to bring all the school’s class teachers into our use of Milgo. We’re in it together. There’s a good atmosphere about the process and all the teachers are fully participating."

Dr. Yedidia Etzion
Principal, Branko Weiss Keshet High School, Mazkeret Batya

"When they first told us about SEL, we thought “Oh no, they’re throwing yet another thing on us without offering any real support or explanation of what we’re supposed to do? Milgo gave us real examples and knowledge about SEL. Suddenly we could see the connection between all these concepts and our actual teaching reality"

Hadar Amar
Teacher, Aviv Elementary School, Tel Aviv

"Milgo reflected what each student was thinking. Around nine to ten students voluntarily opted to give their names on their Milgo questionnaire. When I looked at all the questionnaires, I learned what each student wanted and felt."

Athar Abu Salah
Science teacher, Shehakim High School, Nahariya.

"Milgo helped me work with those students that normally fall through the cracks rather than just focus on the extremes – those that excel and those who have the most difficulties. It helped me see a lot of things I wouldn't otherwise have noticed."

Neta Lip
Teacher, Aviv Elementary School, Tel Aviv

"Suddenly our eyes are opened to things we didn't see before, the things to which we didn't pay enough attention."

Anat Elia
Teacher and Pedagogy Director, Branco Weiss Middle School, Beit Shemesh

"It's exciting to hear students share their feelings thanks to Milgo's questionnaires. Their answers left me speechless. It's moving to hear students use emotional expressions like: "I can see in the teacher's eyes how much she is really listening to me," or "I can ask the teacher for more attention when I am finding this difficult, without any shame." It encouraged and reinvigorated me while also making me realize that I have a lot still to work on."

Lilian Latin
Science teacher, Eroni Het Reshit High School, Tel Aviv

"The teachers really liked Milgo because of its simplicity – they find it easy to work with. They went back to their classes with a Milgo presentation and devoted an entire class to it. They were happy to share their work in the classroom with me."

Hagar Lufo
Teacher and Milgo coordinator, Branco Weiss Yitzchak Rabin High School, Mazkeret Batya

"Students opting to include their names voluntarily helped me change my teaching strategy completely..."

Idit Lahav
Aviv Elementary School, Tel Aviv

"I am so pleased that I decided to bring all the school’s class teachers into our use of Milgo. We’re in it together. There’s a good atmosphere about the process and all the teachers are fully participating."

Dr. Yedidia Etzion
Principal, Branko Weiss Keshet High School, Mazkeret Batya

When they first told us about SEL, we thought “Oh no, they’re throwing yet another thing on us without offering any real support or explanation of what we’re supposed to do? Milgo gave us real examples and knowledge about SEL. Suddenly we could see the connection between all these concepts and our actual teaching reality

Hadar Amar
Teacher, Aviv Elementary School, Tel Aviv

"Milgo reflected what each student was thinking. Around nine to ten students voluntarily opted to give their names on their Milgo questionnaire. When I looked at all the questionnaires , I learned what each student wanted and felt."

Athar Abu Salah
Science teacher, Shehakim High School, Nahariya.

"Milgo helped me work with those students that normally fall through the cracks rather than just focus on the extremes – those that excel and those who have the most difficulties. It helped me see a lot of things I wouldn't otherwise have noticed."

Neta Lip
Teacher, Aviv Elementary School, Tel Aviv

"Suddenly our eyes are opened to things we didn't see before, the things to which we didn't pay enough attention"

Anat Elia
Teacher and Pedagogy Director, Branco Weiss Middle School, Beit Shemesh

How does Milgo work? In a few simple steps

Choose a topic that you want to measure and improve from our extensive, up-to-date catalog

Send a ready-made questionnaire to students

Milgo sends a short and research-validated questionnaire to your WhatsApp. All you have to do is forward it to your students on the class WhatsApp. If you want, you can also add your own question to the questionnaire.

Staff receive a summary report directly to their WhatsApp which includes:

For teachers:

  • A snapshot of the situation and focused class and personal insights which preserves student and teacher confidentiality.

  • Customized pedagogical recommendations which are easy to implement in the classroom.

For principals:

  • Grade or school level insights regarding the overall student and/or teacher experience.

Share the findings with the class and implement recommendations

  • Share findings with students and cultivate emotional and meaningful classroom discourse using Milgo’s friendly, automatically generated presentations.

  • Aim for immediate improvement by applying one of the variety of simple practical recommendations Milgo offers.

Check for improvement

Tried one of the recommendations? Milgo will send you a new questionnaire to examine improvement in the class including more suggestions as apply to the new situation. Every time you apply recommendations and want to measure improvement - Milgo is there with you, providing updated questionnaires and recommendations.

How does Milgo work? In a few simple steps

Choose a topic that you want to measure and improve from our extensive, up-to-date catalog

Send a ready-made questionnaire to students

Milgo sends a short and research-validated questionnaire to your WhatsApp. All you have to do is forward it to your students on the class WhatsApp. If you want, you can also add your own question to the questionnaire.

Login screnenWhatsApp group

Staff receive a summary report directly to their Whatsapp which includes:

For teachers:

  • A snapshot of the situation and focused class and personal insights which preserves student and teacher confidentiality.

  • Customized pedagogical recommendations which are easy to implement in the classroom.

For principals:

  • Grade or school level insights regarding the overall student and/or teacher experience.

MetricsWhatsApp message

Share the findings with the class and implement recommendations

  • Share findings with students and cultivate emotional and meaningful classroom discourse using Milgo’s friendly, automatically generated presentationsץ

  • Aim for immediate improvement by applying one of the variety of simple practical recommendations Milgo offers.


Check for improvement

"Tried one of the recommendations?
 Milgo will send you a new questionnaire to examine improvement in the class including more suggestions as apply to the new situation.
 Every time you apply recommendations and want to measure improvement - Milgo is there with you, providing updated questionnaires and recommendations."

We can help them realize their full potential

Want to learn more? Contact us


Who is Milgo designed for?
  • Principals who want to lead targeted change.

  • Teaching staff for whom privacy is important.

  • Teachers who don't have a minute to spare.

What can management team and coordinators gain from Milgo?

Milgo enables management teams to do several tasks at the same time:

  • Easily convene educational staff around school goals that are being evaluated. What you measure is what you see!

  • Provide teachers with easy access to quality pedagogical data and recommendations that will provide professional development focused around the school's goals.

  • A digital report via WhatsApp that includes student data in the selected goals.

  • A digital report which provides an overview of the schools teachers' feelings and managerial recommendations to improve the situation.

Who is responsible for Milgo?

Milgo is the brainchild of Kayma - an interdisciplinary group that works to improve Israel’s social services through behavioral economics and digital tools. Milgo’s questionnaires and educational recommendations were developed by Israel’s top pedagogical minds: The Sagol Purple School Initiative, SEL.IL Center for Promoting Social-Emotional Learning in Israel, the Moft National Institute for Research and Development in Education and the Branko Weiss Institute.

Does Milgo offer free trials?

Contact us to arrange a demo

Are you approved by Israel’s Ministry of Education?

Of course!
We operate strictly according to Israel’s Ministry of Education regulations in the following areas:

  • Data protection.

  • Confidentiality and terms of use.

  • Pedagogical content – through The Ministry’s Psychology Consultation Service.

  • Accessibility for people with disabilities.

What sets Milgo apart from Google Forms and other survey tools?

Many things!

  • Our questionnaires have been scientifically validated and are readily available for immediate use in the Milgo library.

  • Milgo offers schools the ability to automatically share and distribute questionnaires through teachers' WhatsApp, sending each teacher their own unique questionnaire.

  • Teachers have the option to supplement the school's core questionnaires with additional questions effortlessly.

  • Each teacher’s data is analyzed promptly without requiring any further processing by the school.

  • Milgo simplifies data interpretation by providing user-friendly reports that include data summaries and actionable insights, sent directly to teachers' WhatsApp.

  • We offer personalized recommendations to teachers based on the data they submit, tailored to their individual and classroom needs.

  • And finally, our platform automatically generates presentations of findings and insights for teachers to use in discussions with students about their feelings on the topics covered and the survey findings.

What types of goals can Milgo evaluate?

Milgo's content library is regularly updated and includes a wide variety of topics and knowledge areas. Click here for the full list

Can schools create their own questionnaires?

Milgo is based on high-quality and research-based questionnaires on a long list of topics, so it is not possible to create questionnaires independently. However, any teacher or team can add free-form open questions to any of Milgo's validated questionnaires.

Teachers are often wary about how data is used. How do you handle this concern?

We totally understand.

Milgo was created with a deep awareness of teachers' need for privacy in their classroom assessment process. That's why our reports are sent directly to the teachers' WhatsApp and are password protected for their individual access. Administrators can choose to invite teachers to share their data and conduct a supportive professional dialogue.

At the same time, Milgo sends summary reports to principals and grade directors (per the schools preference). But these summaries do not give teachers names.

Do you offer professional development courses to support Milgo’s introduction to a school?

Our development partners have excellent pedagogical programs suited to our library content.  Contact us here or on WhatsApp and we will be happy to connect you to them.

My teachers don't have time for anything as it is. Won’t Milgo just add to their already heavy load?

Milgo's main goal is to save your team time in their ongoing assessment processes that you are doing away regarding climate and SEL (for external or internal needs) . With the whole process taking place on their WhatsApp, teachers only need invest a few minutes to get great insights and recommendations delivered directly to their mobile.

What does a school need to do to integrate Milgo?

We request that each school appoint at least one "Milgo Leader" (Can be a year coordinator, counselor, evaluation coordinator, pedagogy coordinator or lead teacher). Milgo Leaders who are trained on the system (only takes an hour!) will be equipped to manage Milgo measurement and improvement processes with the teachers at the school.